

MyHeal is an online service for continuous monitoring using software analysis of personal health indicators, as well as immediate correction of any health problems in order to prevent diseases in the future.

The service gives an opportunity for the user to involve not only ukrainian doctors but the entire world's medical community for conducting qualified consultations and treatment. It will allow a person to have complete information about one’s health in order to maintain its high performance throughout entire life.


The program acts like your family online doctor.

You can create your own electronic medical card directly in your user`s office.

The program will configure for you an individual plan of tests and examinations, based on entered data (age, gender, occupation, lifestyle, diseases, downloaded results from medical researches etc). As well as remind you about the time of an individual plan performance.

The doctor of your choice can have access to all this information (with patient's permission only). Experts can consult you online at any suitable time for both.

MyHeal, also gives doctors an opportunity to conduct a virtual consultation with other experts from different countries! The language barrier will not be a problem too. The program provides an automatic translation.


People who are just feeling good usually don’t think about the processes that occur in their bodies. Only few feel the need to be regularly examined by doctors. Unfortunately the current satisfied state of personal health does not guarantee a man the same healthy condition in the future. A person can miss some first slight changes in general condition that might lead to a serious disease if not be cured in time.

Constant monitoring of your condition and its permanent analysis by specialists will definitely lead to a healthy and long life. And the first step is to use MyHeal platform as your personal online medical assistant.