
Platform rules and public offer


MyHeal PLATFORM is a marketplace with a full range of medical consulting services and their maintenance. The Platform ensures the organization of constant planned centralized monitoring, diagnosis, maintenance and improvement of human health.

The platform provides an opportunity to organize constant monitoring of your own health. It allows any user to organize an online consultation with doctors of any specialization, as well as to store personal medical records on electronic media.

It helps experts (doctors) to communicate with clients via online consultations and chats; to exchange knowledge and to study new methods of treatment and new technologies in the world of medicine. To organize consultations and conferences, as well as to cooperate with colleagues from the medical community of Ukraine and abroad.

Users of the Platform can be:

  • Customers (patients)
  • Doctors (personal medical managers, family doctors, medical experts of any speciality).


A compulsory condition for personalized interaction of users of the Platform with the interfaces of the mobile application and the website is the successful completion of the free registration procedure. To receive all the functions of the communication system, the Client must choose a family doctor and/or personal medical manager, etc.

One of the ambitious goals of this project is to create a system of continuous monitoring of health of individuals through global medical examination with the possibility to involve leading medical professionals of Ukraine and the world in early diagnosis to detect any changes in human health to prevent complex chronic diseases. Along with holding a training program for the population on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and to prevent diseases in time.

The main task is to ensure constant monitoring of personal health and organization of quality medical care, using a personal electronic medical office on the website or in a mobile phone (application) to guarantee constant communication with qualified medical support and assistance 24/7, through family doctors and/or personal medical managers.

The owner of the platform is a business entity registered in Ukraine. The Platform itself will operate as a website hosted on a foreign server.


«Research and Production Company Ecopharm», Ltd., called “Company”, and “Platform User”, called “Client” and/or “Doctor”, who has agreed to consent the conclusion of a public agreement in the written form established by the Company and accepted the rules of this agreement that posted on the Internet at: myheal.com.ua, hereinafter - the Website, have made the Agreement, on the following:


The company «Research and Production Company Ecopharm», Ltd. (EDRPOU code 25589583), - the owner (licensee) of the MyHeal Platform.

Platform User:

  • Individuals who are of legal age, which provides the opportunity to participate in such Agreements, and have the necessary capacity and legal entities of different legal forms;
  • Individuals or legal persons who have an account (registrated) on the Platform and have accepted the terms of this Agreement, the Rules of the Platform, etc.


Client – capable individual, a citizen of Ukraine or another country.

Doctor - personal medical manager/family doctor/an expert who is registered as an individual entrepreneur and has received a license to conduct business in medical practice, or who has an employment relationship with a legal entity of the appropriate organizational and legal form.

Among them Personal Medical Manager, Family doctor, Medical Expert, have a separate status and they are defined in the following sense:

  • Doctors (personal medical managers, family doctors, medical experts)
  • Insurance Agents
  • Medical institutions


The term Doctor, as mentioned above in this Agreement may be used in complete or partial meaning.

Portal Services

For Customers:

  • Organization of constant monitoring of the state of health and health of family members in order to prevent complex chronic diseases;
  • Creating and maintaining a personal medical archive;
  • Free or paid (online, remote) consultations with the Doctor (family physician/personal medical manager/medical expert; with a step-by-step treatment or prevention of diseases;
  • Obtaining and storing in the personal electronic medical archive the tests results, diagnoses and previous medical reports;
  • Ordering services or booking online or personal appointments with a Doctor, conducting medical tests and studies, reviews or consultations, etc.

For Doctors:

  • Paid or free (online, remote) medical consultations for Clients
  • Organization of the Conciliums, to discuss thematic issues in the field of medicine and to verify the diagnosis of complicated diseases;
  • Organization of continuous monitoring of the health of the client and health of his/her family members in order to prevent complicated chronic diseases;
  • Creating and maintaining a Client's personal medical archive;
  • Obtaining and storing in the Client's personal electronic medical record the tests results, established diagnoses and treatment plans.


Citizens of other countries – Citizens of countries other than Ukraine.

Contribution – the amount paid by the Sponsor to the Company's bank account for the purpose of further transfer in favor of the Project and receipt of the Reward offered by the Author of the Project.

Reward – the material or moral reward that is the result of the Project implementation offered by the Author of the project to clients for making a Deposit.

Application – created by the author of the project that was not moderated yet.

Company Account – the current account of the Company in a financial institution (bank).

All other terms and definitions, not specified in paragraph 1 of this Agreement, are defined in the text of the Agreement itself and/or in accordance with the interpretation formed in the business practices and in the current legislation of Ukraine.


2.1. This Agreement is a public offer of the Company for an indefinite number of persons in the meaning of Art. 633, 641, 644 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

2.2. This Agreement is valid simultaneously with the Rules of the Platform and the Consent to the processing of personal data posted on the Internet on the Website. These documents complement each other and are mandatory for Users of the Platform.

2.3. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Company acts as:

2.3.1. The entity that provides Users with technical and other capabilities of the Platform as an Internet platform for information, organizational, consulting and legal communication, including for the organization of payment for services between the Client and the Doctor;

2.3.2. Arbitrator between the Client and the Doctor in case of disputes.

2.4. The platform is used:

2.4.1. A client for the purpose of continuous monitoring of his/her own health by obtaining qualified counseling from Doctors and for solving health problems online.

2.4.2. A Doctor in order to form a base of regular Clients to provide them qualified medical consultations online.

2.5. The main objectives of the Platform are to ensure:

  • Organization of continuous program monitoring of the state of health of the client through the primary diagnosis of homeostasis of the human body for the purpose of early prevention and effective treatment of disorders of the constancy of the composition and stability of the internal environment of the biological systems of the body;
  • Constant online service for comprehensive support, including information support of Clients;
  • Creation of expert system of Doctors, which will allow to systematize and digitize the results of their professional activity and provide convenient and transparent service for the Clients;
  • Creating a monitoring system to monitor health status for the Client and the possibility of additional monitoring by the Platform of diagnosis and prescribed treatment methods.
  • Creating a paid services security system, through arbitration and automatic booking of services.
  • Creating a strict selection of qualified and trusted Doctors, ensuring continuous moderation by the Platform support managers of the documents that confirm qualification, moderation of ratings, reviews, diagnosis and treatment methods;
  • High qualification of medical services (accuracy of diagnoses and conclusions of Doctors, effectiveness of their recommendations due to the services of consultations and additional checks of conclusions and diagnoses by Personal Medical Managers, Family Physicians and other specialists of the Platform (if case of their presence)).


The company may provide additional services under this Agreement and in the manner specified by it.

2.6. Depending on the Users of the Platform, the list of its main features is:

For Client:

  • Platform Registration with Social Networks (Facebook, Google +);
  • Separate choice of the Doctor at his/her own discretion, depending on the value of his/her services, his/her current location, the rating or the language of communication; his/her advice online; Doctor changes;
  • Getting advice and assessing your health (based on peer review and/or personal electronic medical archives information) from the Doctor (for free);
  • Online Conversation with a Doctor, regardless of your current location from both computers and mobile devices.
  • Telemedicine – remote consultations of the Doctor, including foreign experts with simultaneous translation (if necessary);
  • Services for the Personal Medical Manager for a separate fee;
  • Direct treatment and an independent choice of schedule for booking appointments with the Doctor; reconciliation of personal consultation schedules;
  • Rent a personal (family) e-medical office with your own electronic medical records and an electronic safe for payment;
  • Forming your own family electronic medical archive with permanent access to it;
  • Saving communication history within the Platform with the Doctor, other Platform users;
  • Forming and sending complaints in order to receive refunds for low-quality medical services specified in the relevant transactions;
  • Confidentiality of the personal electronic medical archive (Client’s medical documents); independent (at its discretion) and conscious, limited in time, opening of confidential information for the Doctor upon receiving consultation;
  • Receiving from the Platform drafts of all transactions for legal protection of personal data and guaranteeing the provision of qualified medical care.

For the Personal Medical Platform Manager and Family Doctor:

  • Placing documents that confirm qualification in accordance with state requirements and Family Doctor and/or Medical Expert standards.
  • Providing information about your professional knowledges and experience
  • Creating thematic galleries of your own services
  • Rent of a personal electronic medical office for communication with the Client and the Expert Doctor, incl. and organization of a personal electronic medical archive and an electronic safe for settlements;
  • Creating a communication system with a Client and Expert physician, creating group chats, archiving chats, and maintaining the full history of communications.
  • Access to personal electronic medical cabinets and electronic medical archives of the Client with his consent.
  • Convenient aggregate schedule of Client consultations;
  • Personal medical manager, a family doctor can put customer reception status: free / busy;
  • Verification of test results and conclusions of medical consultations in comparison with world practices;
  • Verification of documents that confirms Doctor's qualification and direct communication with the support service of the Platform in case of complaints or providing false information;
  • Creating a list of selected Doctors (Experts);
  • Creating an Internal Rating for Doctors;
  • Opportunity to act as a third party in case of consideration of the Client's arbitration complaint;
  • Creating an electronic signature for the purpose of signing an agreement with the Client, (according to the state program, with the registration at the Ministry of Health)

For Doctor - expert:

  • Placement of documents confirming one's own qualification in accordance with state requirements and standards;
  • Ability to provide more medical services or consultations;
  • Creation of thematic gallery of your services;
  • Rent of a personal electronic medical office for communication with the Client and the Expert Doctor, incl. and organization of a personal electronic medical archive and an electronic safe for settlements;
  • Determination of a flexible schedule of the Client's reception, taking into account the lunch break, weekends and holidays, etc;
  • Keeping a schedule of all booked consultations using a mobile application and/or PC with a Reminder function;
  • Archiving the results of all studies and consultations involving the Platform to the personal electronic medical archives of the Client;
  • Telemedicine. Remote consultation, via laptop, smartphone with a video camera for video chat;
  • Invitation with the consent of the Client of Experts to organize consultations on the diagnosis of the Client;
  • Creation of a system of constant chat communications between the Client and the Family Physician and/or the Personal Medical Manager in case of consideration of the Client's arbitration complaint;
  • Online referral of the Client for tests or necessary clinical trials, indicating the following data: list of required tests (trials), telephone number of the Expert and the Client, e-mail of the Client and the Expert;
  • Creation of an electronic signature for the purpose of signing a transaction with the Client (according to the state program, with registration in the Ministry of Health) and/or guarantee of quality of medical services;
  • Automatic crediting of payment for medical services to the electronic safe after the expiration of the initial reservation.


2.7. The Company reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Agreement.

2.8. Placement by the Company of information about the Users of the Platform, financial transactions (appropriate payment on the Site, etc).; The use of the Technical and other capabilities of the Platform by the Users of the Platform is not a reason or basis for the Company to be recognized as a party to the agreements concluded between the Users of the Platform.

2.9. All obligations arise directly between the Users of the Platform. The company is not an organizer of ordering services. The Physician is fully responsible for the provision of quality services to the Client.

2.10. If the country of residence/location of the person imposes restrictions on participation in such Platforms, the person must refrain from accepting the Agreement.

2.11. Before joining the Platform, the Client is obliged to carefully read the terms of this Agreement. Only persons who have fully accepted the terms of this Agreement posted on the Platform are allowed to obtain the status of the Platform User: myheal.com.ua. Joining this public offer is carried out in general. User Platform Company cannot offer his/her own terms.

2.12. The Company informs, and the Platform Users agree and do not object to the fact that the Platform at the time of its operation, does not actually perform all the functions provided by this Agreement, and in the future will develop to achieve its main capabilities provided by this Agreement.

2.13. By expressing his consent to the adoption of the Rules of the Platform remotely, putting the appropriate marks on the Platform in the designated place, the person thereby confirms his full understanding and agreement with the terms of this Agreement. If a person does not agree with the terms of the Agreement, he is not granted the status and rights of the Platform User.


3.1. Registering Platform Users.

Customer registration requires the following data:

  • Name and «Nick» (at Customer's option);
  • Email, phone;
  • Photos of your own profile (optional for Client)
  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • The main language of communication
  • Date of birth (with the possibility of making changes through the technical support of the Platform and the forwarding of personal data confirming the actual date of birth);
  • Documents confirming the identity of the Client (optional for Client)


Platform Disclaimer:

  • Prohibition of registration of persons under 16 (sixteen) years of age incapable persons;
  • The child user can be registered under the Client's account only.


Upon completion of the registration procedure, the Platform forms Client's personal electronic medical office, a personal virtual electronic safe and a family electronic medical archive.

With the help of an electronic safe, the Client will be able to conduct financial transactions related to the payment of medical services provided, as defined by the relevant transactions. Only the Client has access to the electronic safe.

The Client provides access and blocking of access to the family medical electronic archive to the Personal Medical Manager/Family Doctor/Expert Doctor independently at his/ her own request.

The platform does not have access to the Client's family electronic medical archives.

Successful completion of the registration procedure is confirmation of an e-mail address specified during registration, which the Client entered in the appropriate field of the registration form.

Registration of the Personal Medical Manager/Family Doctor implies entering the following data:

  • First name
  • Email, phone number, location, availability of telemedicine services)
  • Personal data entry: education, qualifications, work experience, awards, recommendations from colleagues and any other information that may be of interest to the Client
  • Documents confirming the qualification for passing moderation: diploma, work record book, certificate of availability of a qualification category, etc.
  • Photos of your profile
  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • The main language of communication
  • Schedule of personal consultations (taking into consideration lunch breaks, day offs and holidays)
  • Location for on-site consultation: address, phone;
  • Possibility of a personal visit to the Client


Upon completion of the registration procedure and successful completion of the digital signature moderation and verification of identity documents, a personal virtual electronic safe and a family electronic medical archive are created in the office. With the help of the electronic safe any financial transactions related to the payment/receipt of funds for the provided medical services are carried out.

Only the Personal Medical Manager/Family Physician has access to the electronic safe.

Successful completion of the registration procedure is confirmation by the Platform by sending an SMS code to the phone number specified during registration, which is entered in the appropriate field of the registration form.

Any actions with the Client's health information performed by Personal Medical Managers or Family Physician without the Client's permission will be considered illegal by the Platform, will be considered as unauthorized access and illegal processing of personal data.

Registration of an Expert Physician involves entering the following data:

  • First name
  • Email, phone number, location, availability of telemedicine services
  • Personal data entry: education, qualifications, work experience, awards, recommendations from colleagues and any other information that may be of interest to the Client
  • Photos of your profile
  • Documents confirming the qualification for passing moderation: diploma, work record book, certificate of availability of a qualification category, etc.
  • A list of health services provided by the expert doctor
  • Billing details;
  • Schedule of personal receptions and consultations (taking into consideration lunch breaks, day offs and holidays)
  • Knowledge of foreign languages.
  • The main language of communication
  • Select general categories for search results.
  • Location for on-site consultation: address, phone;
  • Possibility of a personal visit to the Client


Upon completion of the registration procedure and successful completion of the digital signature moderation and verification of identity documents, a personal virtual electronic safe and a family electronic medical archive are created in the office. With the help of the electronic safe any financial transactions related to the payment/receipt of funds for the provided medical services are carried out.

Only the Personal Medical Manager/Family Physician has access to the electronic safe.

Successful completion of the registration procedure is confirmation by the Platform by sending an SMS code to the phone number specified during registration, which is entered in the appropriate field of the registration form.

Any actions with the Client's health information performed by Personal Medical Managers or Family Physician without the Client's permission will be considered illegal by the Platform, will be considered as unauthorized access and illegal processing of personal data.

List of medical specialties of Expert doctors on the Platform:



A general practitioner is a family doctor


Doctor-gynecologist for childhood adolescence


Allergist-child allergy


Clinical Immunologist


Doctor on the hygiene of children and adolescents

Immunologist for children

Pediatric Anesthetist


Infectious Disease Specialist



Pediatric Infectious Disease

Virus Doctor




Pediatric Endocrinologist

Pediatric cardiomyopathologist

Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Endoscopist Doctor

Doctor in Physical Education and Sports Medicine




Narcology Doctor

Orthopedic Traumatologist

Radiotherapy doctor

Doctor Narcologist District

Orthopedic Traumatologist Children





Pediatric Neurologist

Otolaryngologist for children

Orthopedic Dentist




Nephrologist Pediatric




Ophthalmologist for children


Pediatric Neurosurgeon


Doctor-therapist toxicologist


District Pediatrician

Doctor for Ultrasound Diagnostics

Pediatric Oncologist

Pediatric Neonatologist


Pediatric urologist

Functional Diagnostic Doctor

Vascular surgeon


Children surgeon

Cardiovascular surgeon

Doctor-phthisiatrician for children


Thoracic surgeon

Surgeon Proctologist



3.2. The process of providing a Doctor service.

When you register, the doctor will provide additional data for the following:

  • The name of the health service and its summary;
  • Category and subcategory of the medical service
  • Client's on-line or in-patient counseling;
  • The cost of the medical service (fixed/hourly in the stable currency);
  • The possibility of consulting in several stages, if necessary
  • Fixing a final agreement on the cost of health services - signing an agreement
  • On the provision of a medical service and its payment procedure.


After placing the Medical Services on the Platform, it also will be able to edit, deactivate or delete Medical Service.

Platform Disclaimer:

  • The deadline for the consultation is limited to the term of validity of the relevant Doctor's certificate or the end date of the rental of a personal electronic medical room.

3.3. The process of ordering medical services by the Client:

  • Choice of time for consultation suitable for both. Choosing the time in a chat with the doctor (with a minimum time difference with a range of 15 minutes);
  • Transition to reservation of the service, which includes blocking of the Client's funds by the Platform, according to the signed transaction;
  • Obtaining confirmation of booking a consultation in the form of blocking funds by the Platform from the Client's personal electronic safe.


Platform Disclaimer:

  • If the medical service has a specific fixed duration (e.g – one hour), the Platform automatically selects the available time in the Doctor's schedule sufficient for the consultation;
  • Confirmation of reservation of the consultation comes to the email of the Client and contains the following details of the Doctor: Name, telephone, address for consultation/information about online consultation, agreed time of consultation);
  • After booking a consultation, the Client/Doctor within 24 (twenty four) hours is entitled to the following changes: transfer of consultation time/cancellation/deviation (with reasons), which the Client receives the relevant notice;
  • Latency or absence of the Client during the reserved time will lead to the cancellation of the funds blocked as a guarantee from the Client's account with the possible loss of the right to return them;
  • Late or absent Doctor in booked time will result in a warning from the arbitration system on the platform resulting from the consideration of a user complaint that ordered the service and refunds to the user's safe.
  • However, if changes are made less than a day, or if there is a delay/absence, the Platform applies monetary compensation to the fair party in proportion to the time remaining before/for consultation.
  • After completing the consultation within 30 (thirty) days, the Client is entitled to leave feedback about Doctor’s services that will directly affect the Doctor's rating;

3.4. Payment for services on the Portal. Refunds.

Payment for services on the Portal is carried out in a non-cash form, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 1087, 1088 of the Central Commercial Court, by making a down payment by the Client of a doctor's remuneration to the Central Account of the Card, confirming the reservation of the service and further blocking such payment on the indicated account.

Such funds will be available to the Physician to operate 48 hours after the end of the consultation or confirmation by the Client that the consultation has been completed successfully.

When booking a service, the customer pays the funds from his Virtual Account.

In the event:

  • Getting a low-quality service by the customer
  • Failure of the Doctor to provide the service set in the agreement, etc.


The Client has the right to file a Complaint with the reasons for refusal to pay for services and to block the payment of money for the service for 30 (thirty) calendar days according to the agreement signed by the parties.

* The list of reasons for refusing to pay for services is indicated on the Platform.

In case of satisfaction of the Client's Complaint, the blocked down payment is returned by the last Platform to its virtual account within 10 banking days.

* Any financial transactions are confirmed by the User by transmitting the code via SMS to the mobile phone number specified by the Client at the registration on the Platform. This code must be entered in the modal window Confirmation of a financial transaction

* After making a reservation, the Client/Doctor has the right:

  • Change the time of the consultation if there is at least 24 hours left before it;
  • With the consent of the Parties, to reject the reservation of the service for which the relevant notification is received.


* When paying for services, the Platform automatically shows the balance of the Client's funds. If the funds on the balance sheet are insufficient, the Platform proposes to pay for the consultation, by automatically replenishing the balance and simultaneously transferring the advance payment of the Medicare remuneration to the central account of the Platform.

The order of settlements on the Platform is determined by the laws of Ukraine, as well as by the normative and legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine.

3.5. The work of arbitration on the Platform.

In case:

  • Getting poor quality medical care;
  • Failure of the Doctor to provide the agreed medical service stipulated by the agreement.


The Client has the right, within 48 (forty-eight) hours from the date of booking medical services, to submit to the Platform (section «Services») the relevant Complaint under the following algorithm:

  • Log in to the «Submit Complaints» in the appropriate section of the Client's Personal Electronic Cabinets;
  • Specify one of the chosen reasons for the appeal or choose another and provide an explanation (not longer than 1000 characters).


The complaint is sent to the Platform Moderator and the Doctor. During its review, the Moderator, Doctor, and Client have the opportunity to communicate via telephone, e-mail, or the platform's message system for the relevant explanations.

According to the results of the review, the Complaint is satisfied or canceled.

3.6. Providing Medical Services by Personal Medical Manager/Family Doctor.

For the purpose of organizing continuous monitoring of health status, maintaining a personal electronic medical archives of initial consultations, etc., the Client has the right to independently choose Personal Medical Manager/Family Doctor with the following algorithm:

  • Choose Personalized Medical Manager/Family Doctor Platform;
  • Open the window "Request for this manager";
  • Arrange an appropriate agreement with your chosen Personal Healthcare Manager/Family Doctor;


From now on:

  • Complete information about Personal Health Manager/Family Doctor and instant messenger is available to the client;
  • Personal medical manager/Family doctor can book the necessary medical services, get access (with permission from the client), consult the results, personal medical records, leave their feedback on the experts;
  • After signing the agreement, the personal medical manager (family doctor) will be able to leave feedback on behalf of the client, these reviews will be visible to the personal medical managers and the expert about whom they left feedback.;


The client also can leave feedback about the personal medical manager (family doctor).

Reviews are made by clients and primary care physicians, form the ratings of expert physicians who provide healthcare to clients.

The procedure for trusted service bookings includes the following:

  • The parties have called for some consultation.
  • Personal medical manager (family doctor) has chosen a certain expert doctor at a certain time for some consultation.
  • A message is sent to the customer to confirm the booking of the service by e-mail, sms or by notifying on the platform;
  • If there is at least 24 hours left before the consultation, the client can cancel the booking, and in this case, the funds written off will be returned back to his safe.
  • If the trusted booking confirmation is successful: everyone is notified: a client, a personal medical officer (family doctor), and an expert doctor.


3.6. Form feedback

After the consultation and the end of the arbitration period within 30 days, each client can leave his assessment, which will affect the overall rating of the doctor.

The score is given by one client for one doctor in the form of «+» or «-» and a text explanation of this assessment. If the consultation is multiple, the client can add the mark each time by adding «+» or «-» with a textual explanation, based on these ratings, the platform will generate a general average rating for a particular physician.

In addition, personal medical managers and family physicians have the opportunity to leave a separate assessment of the expert doctor after each consultation or other medical service they have performed to their ward client.

3.7.Personal electronic medical archive of the client's state of health.

The personal electronic health record of a client's health status is required for continuous monitoring by a personal manager (family doctor) as a healthcare client. Therefore, an integral part of ongoing monitoring is the creation of a personal electronic medical archives for each client. The personal electronic medical archive is a medical information about the state of health where the results of all analyzes and studies on the health of the client, conclusions and appointments of doctors will be accumulated and stored.

After the registration procedure and going to the page of the electronic medical archive of the state of health, the client will need to fill out the appropriate form - provide the results of previous research and analysis (if available).

The electronic medical archive of the client constantly stores all the information of the results of analyzes and research, the conclusions of expert doctors or personal managers (family doctors), the results of consultations, all prescriptions of drugs and schemes of their use. The archiving of the personal electronic medical archive data of the client's state of health is carried out and stored during the term of the client's contract with the platform.

At any time, the client can transfer the data of the family personal electronic medical archive to their own electronic media at their request.

3.8. Entering the results of the consultation and storing them (synchronization module with the mail server).

All results of consultations, studies, analyzes, conclusions and appointments shall be entered into the electronic medical archive of the client automatically - electronically, by a special module of synchronization with the mail server of the system, to the electronic address of the personal electronic medical cabinet of the client, which is formed by the system after successful completion of the procedure of registering each customer.

The process of automating the input of all results of consultations, studies, analyzes, conclusions and appointments will take place by processing all messages by the special synchronization module and processing all of the incoming letters with recipes, analyzes, conclusions, etc. Once this module processes the inbound letters of each of the clients in the mail server of the system - it will automatically log the data into an electronic health record of the health of the client. Such letters will be received and stored in the client's special mailbox.

* The personal mailbox will be created in accordance with the name (nickname) of the client that the client has noted at the time of registration.

* Also, the client will be given the opportunity to make the results of consultations or analyzes in manual mode, by downloading the relevant files to their health care electronic health record.

* After the synchronization module with the mail server loads the data into a personal electronic medical archive, the client will be able to provide each of the attachment statuses (advice, research, analyzes, conclusions, appointments). In accordance with these statuses, the client will be able to sort the contents of the personal electronic medical archives according to the selected status of records of this archive.

3.9. Depersonalization and disclosure of a part of the personal electronic medical archive of the client's state of health for the time of consultations - experts, family doctors and personal medical managers.

Access to personal electronic medical archives of clients - expert doctors, personal medical managers (family doctors) will only be available if the client has granted permission to access his electronic medical archives. A personal medical manager (family doctor) may have access to the client's electronic medical records, permanently during the term of the agreement. The client will also be able to print information from a personal electronic medical archive or rewrite it to another electronic media. The client may at any time close access to his personal electronic medical archives, to all or individual individuals who have permission to access the personal electronic medical archives.

Procedure for temporary or permanent opening of personal data of a personal electronic medical archive. The client must perform the following actions:

  • Successfully complete the authorization process in your personal electronic health office.
  • Go to «My e-medical archive».
  • Click the Add an Access Code; button in the special unit, sharing an e-medical archive.
  • Add an access code by using the system's communication features to a doctor or personal manager.
  • An expert doctor or a personal medical manager (family doctor), in turn, introduces such a code in a special unit for accessing the client's personal electronic medical archives on the client's page;
  • After the introduction, an expert physician or personal medical manager (family doctor) will be able to view the information on the electronic medical archives on the client page in «Personal Electronic Medical Archive».


* Each generated access code will be recorded in a special spreadsheet code, which will have the ability to delete them, which in turn will block access to the personal electronic medical archive.

* If there is a need to create a code for accessing a personal electronic medical archives to persons who can not be fully responsible for their actions (children) or incapacitated (disabled), this code must be generated on the page of their Subsidiary user.

* Every client can be sure about the security of his health information and is confident in the privacy of the content of his personal electronic medical archives.

* The information contained in the personal electronic medical record is personal data of citizens and the Laws of Ukraine "About protection of personal data" and About Information Security in Information and Telecommunication Systems .

* The platform guarantees the security and inability to duplicate this information on third-party sources or media without the consent of the client. Each client will have his own password, which will be known only to the tenant of the personal (family) e-medical office.

3.10. Access to family/personal electronic medical archives for personal medical managers (family doctors).

After completing the registration process successfully, the personal medical manager (family doctor) receives access and the ability to work with the information of the family/personal electronic medical archives for the duration of the contract between him and the client.

Personal medical manager (family doctor) will not be able to manipulate the results of the consultation, duplicate them, make changes, and will be able to leave personal comments, conclusions, conclusions and appointments.

3.11. Ordering a consultation service.

The platform, if necessary, will provide for ordering a consultation service (online or in person). The consultation may be necessary for a special study of the client's health and clarification of the diagnosis, determination of the medical prognosis, tactics of further examination and treatment, the feasibility of referral to specialized medical institutions.

As a rule, the council is convened in difficult cases at the initiative of the doctor and in agreement with the client. The consultation can be held in the form of an online conference, or in person at a medical hospital, outpatient facility, sanatorium, etc. If the council is convened in a medical institution, you need to get permission from the chief physician or head of department. The conclusions of the council in electronic form are recorded in the personal electronic medical archive of the client, signed by all participants of the council.

The consultation can be convened by both doctors (experts) and personal medical managers (family doctors) only if it has been agreed with the client and an appropriate agreement has been signed.

3.12. Formation of the results of the consultation

In case of a consultation of doctors, the decision is made out in the protocol and in electronic form is transferred to the personal electronic medical archive of the client - the expert, the family doctor or the personal medical manager. The minutes of the consultation of physicians shall indicate the names of physicians included in the consultation, information on the reasons for the consultation, the course of the client's illness, the client's condition at the time of the consultation, including interpretation of clinical, laboratory, instrumental and other research methods, consultation conclusions and council arrangement.

4. Payments between doctors and clients

4.1. The Platform does not accept funds from Clients for the Services provided to them by Physicians using access to the Platform.

4.2. Information on the cost of the Services is posted on the Platform by Physicians and may be changed by them at any time. The Platform is not responsible for the specified information about the price of the Services, does not affect or change the price of the Services.

4.3. The Platform is not responsible for any discrepancy between the price of the Services indicated by the Physician on the Platform and the price required by such Physician for the provided Service. The Platform is also not responsible for the refund of overpaid funds, compensation for improperly provided Services, is not responsible for non-payment, late or incomplete payment of Services by Clients and any other disputes that may arise between Physicians and Clients regarding payment for Services.

4.4 In case the Doctor does not provide the Service stipulated by the agreement or other circumstances, the Client has the right to file a Complaint on the Platform indicating the reasons for refusal.

4.4.1 The deadline for filing a Complaint is 48 hours from the date of completion of the Service.

4.4.2. Complaints are processed by the Platform's support service as they are received - alternately and are considered only on working days from 10:00 to 19:00.

4.4.3. Based on the text of the Complaint and the attached materials, the support service operators will make decisions on satisfying or rejecting the Client's Complaint.

4.4.4. Sufficient grounds for cancellation of payment and refund on the Client's account are:

  • Physical absence of the doctor at the beginning of consultation reserved by the client.
  • Absence of conclusion, information, audio, video or documents of any nature that can confirm the service provided.
  • Any other reason that may initiate a process of direct communication with the Doctor and the Client, or requests for additional clarification of the incident.


4.4.5. During the arbitration period, the funds required for the booking are blocked on the Client's card and are not available for any other use.

4.4.6. In case of satisfaction of the Client's Complaint, the blocked advance payment is returned to the cardholder by the bank within 3 banking days.

4.4.7. In case of dissatisfaction of the Client's Complaint and after the end of the arbitration period, the funds are credited to the account of the Doctor (Clinic). This financial transaction is final and irrevocable.

4.5. The Client makes payments for the Services directly to the Doctor. The Platform is not a tax agent for Users. The Platform does not perform any actions on calculation, deduction from the accrued (paid, provided) to the User, and transfer of taxes to the relevant budget on behalf and at the expense of the Users.

4.6. The User is aware, confirms and agrees that the Platform is not responsible if the issuer of the User's payment card refuses to authorize (make) a payment for any reason. If such payment is not allowed, the User's right to use the Platform for which the fee has been set or to the Service is revoked. The card issuer may charge the User for the last payment for processing the payment on the Internet. The platform is not responsible for such payments, their availability and amount.

4.7. Terms of providing Funds Transfer Services posted on the website of the payment system. The User is independently responsible for acquainting with the conditions of providing the Services by the payment system, the issuer of the bank card and other persons providing the Services in the field of funds transfer, and for compliance with such conditions. The Platform is not responsible for the operation of the payment system, transfers made by it or debiting funds from users' bank cards, as well as for maintaining the confidentiality of data provided by Users when using the payment system.

4.8. Doctors are personally responsible for compliance with tax laws.


5.1. This Agreement may be amended by the Company unilaterally without special notice to each of the participants and binding to any terms.

5.2. Notification of changes (additions) to the Agreement is posted on the start page of the Platform.

5.3. It is the User's responsibility to read the changes to the Agreement. In case of disagreement with the change of the Agreement, the User may terminate it unilaterally.

5.4. If, after the entry into force of the amended Agreement, the Project Participant continues to use the services and functions of the Platform, it is considered that he has approved all changes to the Agreement.

5.5. The invalidation or invalidity of any part of this Agreement shall not invalidate any other part of the Agreement which will remain in force.

5.6. The Company may at any time and without notice assign its rights to the Platform to a third party. The User may not transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior consent of the Company.

5.7. This Agreement and the relationship between the Company and the User are governed by the laws of Ukraine. Each party unequivocally agrees that the relevant courts of Ukraine have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims, disputes or differences in relations between the Parties.