
Benefits and harm of sugar substitutes

Sweets manufacturers produce a lot of chocolate, candies, marshmallows and other goodies, in addition to ordinary sweets, where there is not a single gram of natural sugar. It's so easy to eliminate sugar from your life and not even notice. But are such sugar substitutes safe for the body?

02.09.2019 10:15 PM

Sugar substitutes and sweeteners are artificial and natural. The first have the lowest glycemic index and are absorbed longer by the body, which does not reflect negatively on the figure. But along with the benefits, there is a risk of getting some kind of illness.


We have known this type of substitute since childhood. Simply put, it's sugar that comes from fruit. It is absorbed more slowly than ordinary sugar (sucrose), but during metabolism it is converted into the same glucose. That is, you will get almost all the calories as from regular sugar.


Manufacturers obtain isomaltose by fermenting sucrose. It is also a component of cane sugar and honey. In terms of its qualities, isomalto is very similar to fructose.


Xylitol is actually ordinary crystals of alcohol, which are obtained from waste vegetable raw materials - corn shoots, sunflower seeds, etc. And although xylitol is slightly higher in calories than its predecessors, it is absorbed by the body very slowly, so it is suitable for those who want to lose weight. This is the first sugar substitute on our list, which is also useful - it slows down tooth decay, if there is such a problem, prevents tooth decay and has a positive effect on gum health. However, xylitol should be dosed, because in large quantities it threatens stomach upset.

Saccharin, or E954

This artificial sweetener is several times sweeter than sugar, but has no calories at all. It is widely believed that it can cause cancer. Doctors refute this information, so whether to consume saccharin or not is at your discretion. It is not banned and is widely used all over the world.

Aspartame, or E951

It is a chemical compound that has a caloric value similar to that of sugar. Although, due to the fact that it is used in a very small amount for sweetening, the calorie content can be neglected. But there is a very dangerous point - during assimilation, aspartame breaks down into amino acids and methanol. The latter eventually oxidizes to formaldehyde, which is essentially poison. Formaldehyde can affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, you should not abuse this sweetener.

Cyclamate, or E952

It is a chemical substance that does not contain calories and is not absorbed by the body. But for pregnant women, it is extremely dangerous because it can cause disorders in the development of the embryo. It is currently banned in the US.

Stevioside, or E960

So far, this is the only completely natural sweetener. It is obtained from the stevia plant, which grows in South America. Stevioside is low-calorie. It has been known to scientists for a long time, and so far no confirmation of its negative impact on health has been received. Instead, scientists discovered its useful properties: it increases immunity, normalizes the work of the stomach (especially suitable for those who suffer from heartburn after eating), and normalizes blood pressure. The only downside is that it has a slightly bittersweet taste after consumption.

Sucralose, or E955

The youngest sweetener on our list, it was developed in the 80s. A synthetic supplement that does not contain calories and is not absorbed by the body. No harmful effects on health have been found so far.

In any case, it's up to you. Unfortunately, sometimes the rhythm of our lives does not allow us to spend time every day on sports and preparing healthy food in order to prevent excessive weight gain. And new developments among sugar substitutes offer new products. The main thing is to choose the right one without harming your health and always carefully read the instructions to know which substitute was used to make the sweet product.