Instead of amputating the Ukrainian soldier's leg, 21 cm of bone was grown
It took five months to grow the necessary piece of bone

Taras Shchyritsa served in the army. The 28-year-old officer worked as an aviation technician. Its main task was to service combat aircraft. But he was seriously injured in an ordinary car accident.
The man was driving a car to the landfill when the truck driver did not notice Taras and crashed into him. Taras's car was pushed off the highway directly to the gas station, which was nearby. The car door broke from the strong impact and broke both of the man's legs.
Due to the injury, Taras began to lose blood rapidly. Military skills helped to gather and put on a tourniquet. But Taras had only one tourniquet, then he stopped the blood on the other leg with a belt from a holster.
People at the gas station helped pull the man out of the car and called an ambulance. Then he lost consciousness, and when he regained consciousness, he realized that he was in a military hospital in Kyiv. All this time he was in intensive care, doctors fought for his life.
Doctors discovered that Taras had contracted a blood infection during the accident. His treatment lasted two months, they tried to save the boy's legs. They even talked about having to amputate the left. She was missing a little more than 20 centimeters of bone. And to grow such a large piece was unreal, according to doctors. There was no donor bone either.
Taras could not believe that he would have to walk on a prosthesis, and refused to undergo amputation. Then the famous Ukrainian orthopedist Vitaly Veklich took up his case. The specialist successfully performed the treatment and restored 21 cm of bone from Taras.
"It is very important to preserve blood supply and innervation in the limb," says Veklich. - The leg was warm (Taras. - Author), the fingers were moving, which means there was blood circulation. Nerves and ligaments worked. And this gave hope for a good result."
"In order to restore such a huge piece of bone, it was necessary to actually saw the upper part of the bone, which was not damaged, in half, and install an external fixation device on it. "And then the same thing had to be done with the lower area. These areas had to grow towards each other. And so it happened. It took almost five months to grow a huge fragment," says the doctor.
According to the orthopedist, his patient will soon start learning to walk again and recover.
Now Taras' leg is in a special fixation device, they are waiting for the bone to harden completely. After that, it will be possible to proceed to the rehabilitation stage.
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